Gail Rutter
Fiber and Mixed-Media Artist


Each work in this series is an independent composition that integrates applied surface imagery and design with structural patterns and high texture of the hand-woven canvas.  These two elements enhance one another and become interdependent for visual strength.  Most compositions emphasize or focus on linearity of geologic structures.  Others use the acrylic paint application to both negate and highlight the structural depth of the canvas.  The works can be formally finished with a frame and glass, or less formally finished with an edging.  All have a rigid backing board.

14.01, Antelope Canyon.jpg (73910 bytes)

"Antelope Canyon"
2' X 5'
Acrylic on hand-woven canvas



14.02_Schism_I.jpg (178918 bytes) 14.03, Schism II.jpg (57686 bytes)

"Schism I"
3.5' X 5.5'
Acrylic on hand-woven canvas


"Schism II"
2' X 5'
Acrylic on hand-woven canvas




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